Packet Power welcomes Site Preparation Management
Packet Power is pleased to welcome Site Preparation Management, Co. Ltd (SITEM) to our global partner network. SITEM is a leading design, consulting...
Packet Power and its partner Daxten were announced as the winners of the 2015 Deutscher Rechenzentrumspreis award for Data Center Software at the annual awards ceremony on 20 April in Darmstadt. The award recongizes the leadership the partners have shown in making wireless environmental and power monitoring useful to companies as they seek to improve data center energy efficiency and operational effectiveness.
The Packet Power team is delighted to receive this recognition and would like to extend special thanks to Chad Rislov and his team at Daxten for their success in working closely with their customers to foster creative and successful deployments of our products.
Packet Power is pleased to welcome Site Preparation Management, Co. Ltd (SITEM) to our global partner network. SITEM is a leading design, consulting...
Packet Power works with a global network of partners to help ensure customer needs are addressed with the right monitoring solutions. One of our...
We are pleased to see that Fujitsu UK's innovative use of Packet Power's wireless data center monitoring solutions continues to gain recognition.