Multi-company study on server room energy efficiency uses Packet Power to drive insights
Energy is one of the highest costs in data centers -- even the small ones. Server rooms and data closets (known as "small embedded data centers") are...
Thanks to data from Packet Power solutions, the Center for Energy and Environment (CEE) is finding "solid opportunities to improve energy efficiency."
Read a recent research summary by Helen Booth-Tobin, CEE's Policy and Communications Specialist, noting opportunities to reduce power demand for over 70% of the work week through a number of operational changes.
Here's more background on the project: Multi-company study on server room energy efficiency uses Packet Power to drive insights
The project is supported in part by a grant from the Minnesota Department of Commerce, Division of Energy Resources through the Conservation Applied Research and Development (CARD) program. CEE provided additional project funding in support of its nonprofit mission to advance research, knowledge dissemination, and program design in the field of energy efficiency.
Energy is one of the highest costs in data centers -- even the small ones. Server rooms and data closets (known as "small embedded data centers") are...
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Packet Power has enhanced the dashboard feature of its EMX Energy Portal. EMX is the easiest, fastest path to energy and environmental monitoring...