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Memorial Day

Memorial Day

Monday, May 30th, is Memorial Day in the United States. For some, Memorial Day marks the start of summer. For some, Memorial Day is simply the reason for a three-day weekend. Some look forward to Memorial Day for the great deals they get from their favorite retailer. But this national holiday means so much more.

Memorial Day is intended to honor the men and women who have sacrificed their lives in military service.

"Four things support the world:  the learning of the wise, the justice of the great, the prayers of the good, and the valor of the brave." 
 - Muhammad

Our thanks to military service personnel and their loved ones. We will not forget.

In memory of those who serve

In memory of those who serve

Americans set aside the last Monday in May to remember the men and women of the armed forces and give thanks for their sacrifices.

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It's a Big Deal to Be a 'Thing' | Exploring IoT Connectivity

It's a Big Deal to Be a 'Thing' | Exploring IoT Connectivity

The Internet of Things (IoT) is booming. As consumers, we often think of it as "things" such as Nest thermostats, SmartThings-controlled home...

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Packet Power Response to the Coronavirus

Packet Power Response to the Coronavirus

The coronavirus is impacting people and businesses worldwide in ever-changing ways. Packet Power is committed to servicing our customers while...

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